Thursday, November 19, 2009

6.1 Biotechnological Tools and Techniques


  • Recombinant DNA - Fragments of DNA composed of sequences originating from at least two different sources. Ex- Genetically Modified Organisms contain recombinant DNA to alter the characteristics of the organism.
  • Restriction Endonucleases (Enzymes) - Enzymes that are able to cleave double stranded DNA into fragments at specific sequences. These are restriction enzymes, act as scissors to remove a specific section of DNA to insert a new strand.
  • Recognition Site - Specific sequence of double stranded DNA (a palindromic sequence, spells same thing written both ways ... racecar) consisting of 4 - 8 nucleotides that a restriction enzyme recognizes.
  • Sticky Ends - Fragments of DNA with short single overhangs caused by being cut by a restriction enzyme
  • Blunt Ends - Fragments of DNA that are fully base paired but have be cut by a restriction enzyme.


  • Prokaryote:
  • Eukaryote:

  • Recombinant:

  • A restriction enzyme cuts the DNA molecule at a specific palindromic sequence. For example, EcoRI is the restriction enzyme for: GAATTC

  • Vectors - Deliver DNA to a specific type of cell.

  • If the target cell was a bacteria call, a bacteriophage would be used to insert DNA into the cell.

  • Once a new DNA has been inserted along with the appropriate Restriction Enzyme, the old DNA will be replaced with the new and DNA ligase will attatch the new strand of DNA into correct position.

-6.1-3 from the handout section should be moved to your notes. The title is "Constructing a Plasmid Map". There is no due date yet.


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